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Here are some ideas to keep everyone from being bored, without going broke!
Organize a swap session with family, friends and neighbors. Have each participant bring a box of DVDs, music CDs, computer games, board games etc. that are collecting dust on their shelves. Have them indicate what they will loan out, what they want to swap permanently for something else, or what they will sell at a modest price. Then let the "shopping" begin!
Who knows, the game their kids are bored with might be just the one your kids have been begging for. Those old DVDs that your kids have outgrown may be perfect for a neighbor's little one.
And think of the fun you'll have checking out all the stuff and doing some old fashioned wheeling and dealing!
Check your newspaper's community calendar section for free events. There may be a free concert or movie in the park, a city sponsored festival or other event.
In the summer months,when kids are home from school, theaters sometimes offer cheap tickets for kids movies.
Churches have camps and daytime programs as well.
The public library offers free story time sessions and modestly priced crafting classes. They also have a large collection of movies, CDs and computer software you can borrow for free!
Bulletin boards at the stores you shop at often times have flyers for great events around town. You may come across an ethnic festival, yummy bake sale, or sporting event to go to.
Try supporting school events, or special events for your friends children. You just may like their Pop Warner football game, school cheerleading competition, concert or play.
Be creative and have fun. Most of all realize money isn't essential to having a great time. Sometimes the best things in life really are free!
Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making.
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