Monday, April 5, 2010

Frugal Fun:Birdwatching!

Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocepha...Image via Wikipedia

Kids love nature and playing outdoors. They also like to make things with their hands. If you are looking for a frugal, fun thing to do with your kids or grandkids, why not help them make little bird feeders and treats that will attract feathered friends into your yard?

Below you will find several easy to do projects that children can make with just a little adult supervision. All the ingredients and craft supplies are inexpensive and easy to obtain.

Pine Cone Feeders

Large pine cones
12 inch lengths of colored yarn
Mixed bird seed
Peanut butter

Using a butter knife, spread the pine cones with peanut butter. Roll them in bird seed. Securely tie the yarn around the bottom of the pine cones. Suspend the feeders from tree branches around the yard.

Tree Trimming Treats

Pieces of stale bread
Day old donuts
Peanut butter
Bird seed
Scooped out orange halves
Suet or shortening
Cookie cutters

Cut out shapes in the stale bread using a cookie cutter. Spread the bread with peanut butter, and roll in a tray of bird seed. Affix a piece of yarn to the treat, and hang. Or if you prefer, hang plain bread cut into shapes.

Tie pretzels and donuts, (plain or spread with peanut butter and bird seed) with colored yarn and hang.

Scoop out an orange half and stuff the rind with suet and seed, or Crisco shortening and seed. Rest the orange piece in the crook of a tree branch.

Filled Birdie Bag

Small pieces of net bag (like you buy onions in)
Suet or shortening
Bird seed
Sunflower seeds
Pieces of fruit
Peanut butter
Bits of bread
Leftover meat scraps
(or any other ingredients your favorite birds like to eat)

Mix the ingredients you have chosen into a “bird pudding” and place the mixture into a net bag. Tie it securely around the neck of the bag with string or yarn, and hang. The birds will pull the food from the holes in the net.

If you like, fill a net bag with cotton or dryer lint. The birds will take it to their nests to use for lining.

Bird seed biscuits

2 cups baking mix (like Bisquick)
1/2 cup cold water
2 Tbsp margarine
2 Tbsp sesame seeds
2 Tbsp sunflower seeds
2 Tbsp mixed bird seed

cookie cutters
a straw
colored yarn or ribbon, in 12 inch lengths

Preheat oven to 425F.

Form a soft dough with baking mix & water.

Roll the dough to 3/4" thickness & cut it into shapes with cookie the cutters.

Using a straw, punch a hole in the top of each cookie.

Melt the margarine & brush it over the dough using a pastry brush.

Sprinkle the seeds onto the dough and press firmly with a fork.

Bake for 15-20 min., or until light brown.

When cool, thread brightly colored yarn or ribbon through the hole & hang in a tree.

For more fun nature craft ideas suitable for small children, visit these websites:

Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making.
Visit her online at

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I am a freelance writer, Reiki master, and educator, with diplomas in teacher's aide and child psychology, and numerous writing courses. I home schooled my son, who was born 10 weeks early and was expected to have developmental and learning lags. In 6th grade, he took an 8th grade standardized achievement test, and scored as a college sophomore in math and English. It inspired me to write a book, which I have given away for free! It is called Make your Kid a Genius, and can be downloaded at my website I am passionate about alternative healing methods; especially Reiki, aromatherapy, acupressure, therapeutic massage and music and sound therapy.