When I was a young girl, I used clear nail polish to strengthen my nails, and to make them look pretty. Back then, I didn’t really think of other uses for it. But now, as a frugal middle-aged mom, I can appreciate its versatility as a cheap fix for a variety of problems.
Here are just a few creative uses for clear nail polish:
Paint over the center of a button with clear polish. It reinforces the thread, and prevents them from unraveling, and causing the button to fall off.
Dab it on screws, or on the bottom of a can of shaving cream. It prevents rust from forming.
Apply it to a small run that is starting on your pantyhose. It will keep the fabric from ripping further.
Laminate small objects with it, like the label of a pill bottle or the front of an ID card. It keeps the print clear and easy to read.
Tighten loose knobs on doors and closets. Simply brush clear nail polish on the threads of the screw and reinsert it in the hole. When the polish dries, there will be a nice tight fit.
Use clear polish to fix small dings, dents and holes in wood floors, paneling, car windshields or windows. Just fill the hole with polish and let it dry.
Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making.
Visit her online at http://www.irenehelenzundel.com