Sunday, August 24, 2008
Cost-cutting Uses for Club Soda
Club soda is a versatile, inexpensive product that can be used in many areas in a frugal household.
Here are a few of them:
Do you have lackluster houseplants? Water them with old club soda that has gone flat. The minerals are beneficial to the health and vitality of your potted friends!
Are you tired of paying high prices for soft drinks, and don’t like the obesity causing high fructose corn syrup they contain? Make your own soft drinks with club soda, mixed with the fruit juice of your choice. You can be creative with the flavor combinations and not get bored drinking the same old sodas.
If you have an upset stomach, drink a little club soda. It will take away that queasy feeling.
Club soda is great for removing stains from fabrics. Dab a little on a spot on a piece of clothing and watch it disappear! You can remove wine stains from carpet with it as well.
Do you need to degrease your car windshield? Spray it with club soda and wipe it down.
Around the house, club soda is a great cleaning product. Spray it on porcelain and stainless steel, and use it to wipe down your kitchen counter tops.
Have you ever cooked with club soda? Substitute club soda for the liquid in your favorite pancake or waffle recipe, and see how light and fluffy they turn out!
Do you have nuts and bolts that are rusty and hard to remove? Pour a little club soda on them. The bubbles will dissolve the rust.
Has your blond hair turned green from the chlorine in your swimming pool? No worries! Rinse your hair with club soda and your normal color will return.
Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making.
Visit her online at
Blog Archive
- Cost-Cutting Uses for Kitty Litter
- Cost-cutting Uses for Club Soda
- Practical Frugal Uses for VO5 Hair Conditioner
- Frugal Uses for Dental Floss
- Uses for Clear Nail Polish
- Frugal Uses for Bananas and their Peels in your Ga...
- Peroxide: Versatile and Frugal Uses for your Home
- Frugal Gardening Tips
- 11 Fantastic Frugal Uses for Aluminum Foil
- Creating Frugal Halloween Costumes
- Practical Frugal Uses for Fabric Softener Sheets
- Creative Uses for Dryer Lint
- Creative Uses for Old Pantyhose
About Me

- Irene Helen Zundel
- I am a freelance writer, Reiki master, and educator, with diplomas in teacher's aide and child psychology, and numerous writing courses. I home schooled my son, who was born 10 weeks early and was expected to have developmental and learning lags. In 6th grade, he took an 8th grade standardized achievement test, and scored as a college sophomore in math and English. It inspired me to write a book, which I have given away for free! It is called Make your Kid a Genius, and can be downloaded at my website I am passionate about alternative healing methods; especially Reiki, aromatherapy, acupressure, therapeutic massage and music and sound therapy.