If you are like me, you hate to see a pair of pantyhose gets runs. They are so expensive for a good pair, and they just don't seem to last very long! Rather than throw them out, I have found numerous second uses for them.
For example, use the waistband as you would a giant rubber band or piece of rope.
Put it around your trash can, to keep the liner from falling in. Use it to tie together stacks of newspapers, before you haul them to the trash. In the garden, use them to tie your tomato plants to the stakes.
In the past, I've used cut up pieces of pantyhose for craft stuffing. It worked wonderfully filling cloth Christmas tree ornaments I was sewing for the tree.
You can use the foot part for several things. Make a pet toy by stuffing it with old cloth, knee high stockings with runs, or even dryer lint, and fold the nylon back over itself several times. If needed, sew the end closed.
You can also fill the feet with old soap pieces, potpourri or herbs and spices to make air fresheners. Put them in drawers, closets, and in cabinets that get musty smelling,
Put garlic and onions in them and hang them from a hook in the kitchen. This allows air to circulate freely around them, and helps keep them fresh.
The legs can be used as a filter to cover the end of a shop vac, or pool skimmer. It keeps finer pieces of dirt and debris from clogging things up.
Those are just a few ideas to get you started. How many creative uses can you find?
Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making.
Visit her online at http://www.irenehelenzundel.com
Blog Archive
- Cost-Cutting Uses for Kitty Litter
- Cost-cutting Uses for Club Soda
- Practical Frugal Uses for VO5 Hair Conditioner
- Frugal Uses for Dental Floss
- Uses for Clear Nail Polish
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- 11 Fantastic Frugal Uses for Aluminum Foil
- Creating Frugal Halloween Costumes
- Practical Frugal Uses for Fabric Softener Sheets
- Creative Uses for Dryer Lint
- Creative Uses for Old Pantyhose
About Me

- Irene Helen Zundel
- I am a freelance writer, Reiki master, and educator, with diplomas in teacher's aide and child psychology, and numerous writing courses. I home schooled my son, who was born 10 weeks early and was expected to have developmental and learning lags. In 6th grade, he took an 8th grade standardized achievement test, and scored as a college sophomore in math and English. It inspired me to write a book, which I have given away for free! It is called Make your Kid a Genius, and can be downloaded at my website http://www.irenehelenzundel.com I am passionate about alternative healing methods; especially Reiki, aromatherapy, acupressure, therapeutic massage and music and sound therapy.