My grandmother was a bottle blonde. Weekly she would torture her hair by combing a bottle of peroxide through it. I thought for sure she would have dry, brittle hair, but hers was soft and shiny, and oh so touchable!
Her secret? Alberto VO5 leave-in, gel hair conditioner.
It is still available in drug stores today, and I have discovered it has lots of practical uses.
Here are just a few:
Make cleaning your hands after painting or doing greasy jobs easy. Just rub some VO5 on them before you start working, and wash your hands when you are done. Paint and grease comes right off!
Do you need to get a ring off that is stuck on your finger? Rub VO5 on it and then hold your hand over your head to let the blood drain away. The ring will slide offeasily.
Do you have dry, chapped skin? Use VO5 as a heavy- duty moisturizer.
VO5 can also be used to condition leather, and it is far less expensive than the mink oil that is usually recommended. Rubbing it on shoes can protect them from winter salt and ice, and prevent them from squeaking as well.
You can detangle your pet’s coat with VO5, and protect their feet outdoors, by rubbing a little on their paw pads!
Do you have a horse? Use VO5 to shine their hooves, detangle their mane and tail, and condition the leather saddle you ride on.
VO5 is also a great lubricant. Use it to keep medicine cabinet doors sliding easily on their tracks, to make pipe joints fit together easily, to keep hinges from squeaking, prevent dresser drawers from sticking, and make refrigerator racks slide easily.
Do you have wood paneling in your house? Rub it into wood to keep it from drying out. You can also use it to cover scratches. Apply a little to the damaged area and just buff the scratches out.
Are your kids sports enthusiasts? VO5 can be used to lubricate bicycle chains and keep skateboards and roller skates gliding smoothly.
You can prevent nuts and bolts from rusting together by putting a thin coat of VO5 on them before screwing them together. A thin coating applied to tools keeps them rust-free as well.
Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making.
Visit her online at
Blog Archive
- Cost-Cutting Uses for Kitty Litter
- Cost-cutting Uses for Club Soda
- Practical Frugal Uses for VO5 Hair Conditioner
- Frugal Uses for Dental Floss
- Uses for Clear Nail Polish
- Frugal Uses for Bananas and their Peels in your Ga...
- Peroxide: Versatile and Frugal Uses for your Home
- Frugal Gardening Tips
- 11 Fantastic Frugal Uses for Aluminum Foil
- Creating Frugal Halloween Costumes
- Practical Frugal Uses for Fabric Softener Sheets
- Creative Uses for Dryer Lint
- Creative Uses for Old Pantyhose
About Me

- Irene Helen Zundel
- I am a freelance writer, Reiki master, and educator, with diplomas in teacher's aide and child psychology, and numerous writing courses. I home schooled my son, who was born 10 weeks early and was expected to have developmental and learning lags. In 6th grade, he took an 8th grade standardized achievement test, and scored as a college sophomore in math and English. It inspired me to write a book, which I have given away for free! It is called Make your Kid a Genius, and can be downloaded at my website I am passionate about alternative healing methods; especially Reiki, aromatherapy, acupressure, therapeutic massage and music and sound therapy.