I sent this to someone I dearly love a while back. I think it is a good fit for this blog. When asked how I managed to survive so much in life, and handle current problems with a smile, this was my reply:
First, I practice GRATITUDE. When my eyes first open in the morning, I than God for a new day. Then I focus my thoughts on my blessings---I have a job, sweet ferrets, friends, nice weather, food for breakfast etc. As I encounter each thing, I silently say thank you to God for it. Switch on the heat? Thank you God I have a warm home. Ferrets kiss me? Thank you god for the unconditional love and companionship of my furry angels!
It is hard to feel depressed when you are richly blessed, and live in that awareness.
Second, I want for others what I want for myself, and I send those thoughts to everyone, including and especially strangers. If someone sneezes,or is riding around in a wheelchair, I think, "God please heal them." If someone is sad, I ask God to comfort them. When I would spend so many hours (5 a day!)commuting to and from my job, I would often silently greet each person boarding the train or bus with, "God loves you" or "Bless you" or "I wish you peace" etc. I found myself feeling full of peace and love all day. ;-O
When you acknowledge others are like you---have the same needs, face the same struggles etc. then you start to feel connected. People respond to you in very nice ways. The world feels like a friendly place, not a sad one!
I also say as much as possible things like, "I love you," "I appreciate you," "thank you," or even "I'm sorry."and I try to keep things light. I laugh and joke every day!
We all need to feel loved, appreciated and respected. A few kind words benefit both the giver and receiver. Be generous with your thoughts, words and good will.
Most important of all, I constantly choose to forgive others AND MYSELF.
Sweetie, therapists say that depression is "anger turned inwards." When we nurse hurts, real or imagined, dwell on painful experiences, and feel upset at how life or others have treated us, anger rears its ugly head!
But remember this:
Sometimes people hurt you out of stupidity, thoughtlessness or some other common human failing. Nobody is perfect (ourselves included!) so we should overlook those injuries, even if they stung us. We all need grace and understanding, and should extend it to others.
Sometimes people hurt you deliberately, which hurts even more! Even then, it isn't necessary to react in anger. Remember, God sees and knows everything. He collects your tears in a bottle and writes them down in His book. He knows when to mete out justice when needed. Forgive like God commands us to, and let Him settle the score!
Sometimes we are mad at OURSELVES. We rehearse our failures, stupid mistakes, bad behavior and hurtful words, and we judge ourselves very harshly! (Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt for a souvenir!)But really, it all boils down to two things. We acted out of human weakness-in which case we are entitled to grace-or we did something because we consciously made a bad choice or decision. In that case, resolve to become a better person. We all are a work in progress, so don't beat yourself up over anything!
If you find yourself thinking about something painful, that causes you regret or anger, or any other unhappy feeling, STOP, FORGIVE YOURSELF OR THE OTHER PARTY, AND CHOOSE A HAPPY THOUGHT TO OCCUPY YOUR MIND.
Moment by moment we choose our thoughts and actions. Choose good ones!
Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making. Visit her online at http://www.irenehelenzundel.com
Blog Archive
- Beauty on a Budget: Apple Cider Vinegar
- Frugal First Aid: Treating Sunburn
- Natural Beauty on a Budget: Baking Soda
- Salt: Frugal Uses for Health and Hygiene
- Creative Uses for Orange Peels
- Rubbing Alcohol:Frugal First Aid in a Bottle
- Frugal Tips for Gardens and Houseplants
- Natural Ways to Fight and Avoid Depression
- Acupressure: A Frugal and Natural Healing Therapy
About Me

- Irene Helen Zundel
- I am a freelance writer, Reiki master, and educator, with diplomas in teacher's aide and child psychology, and numerous writing courses. I home schooled my son, who was born 10 weeks early and was expected to have developmental and learning lags. In 6th grade, he took an 8th grade standardized achievement test, and scored as a college sophomore in math and English. It inspired me to write a book, which I have given away for free! It is called Make your Kid a Genius, and can be downloaded at my website http://www.irenehelenzundel.com I am passionate about alternative healing methods; especially Reiki, aromatherapy, acupressure, therapeutic massage and music and sound therapy.