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Limolene oil is also a very effective, natural pesticide. A puree of orange peel and water spread around an outdoor barrier will prevent ants from crossing over. Flies and mosquitos will flee from an area with small piles of orange zest, so finely grate the rind and place it around your blanket at your next picnic.
Do you want kitty to stop digging in your plants? Place dried peel around them. Cats hate the smell!
Orange peels are a great deodorizer. Grind some up in your garbage disposal to keep it smelling fresh. Put dried peels in a cloth bag or pillow case and place it in a cupboard or closet. The musty odor will leave.
A piece of orange peel placed in a box of brown sugar will keep it from drying out.
Pamper your skin with orange peels! Simply drop clean peels in your tub while the water is running. Vitamin C is absorbed through the skin, so soaking in an orange peel bath is a healthy way to strengthen your immune system. And the aroma is heavenly!
Dehydrated peels can be ground in a coffee grinder and used as a spice for cooking or added to a batch of potpourri.
Make little bird feeders with orange rinds. After an orange is cut in half and the fruit is removed, the little "bowls" can be filled with sunflower seeds, suet, or peanut butter mixed with bird seed. Place the feeders in the crook of a tree branch to give a nice treat to your feathered friends!
Make delicious candied orange rind for your family. Simply scrape away the white part of the rind with a sharp knife. Slice the peels into strips and cook them in a simple syrup (1 part water and 1 part sugar) on low until strips start to look translucent. Remove them, roll in sugar, and place on a plate to dry. Chop them up to add to recipes or to use as an aromatic decoration on top of baked goods.
Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making. Visit her online at