Did you know that applied on the outside of your body, beer can actually soften skin and make your hair look great?
Here are some simple tips to try at home:
For shiny hair with extra body, make a beer shampoo! Just add a raw egg to a half a can of beer and massage it into your hair. Rinse and style as usual.
To condition your hair, massage a cup of warm beer into your scalp and hair and leave it on 20-30 minutes. Rinse well afterward, so you don’t walk around smelling you like you fell into a keg at a party!
To lighten your hair, saturate it well with beer and lay out in the sun. You will get wonderful highlights, and it lightens as well as the old favorite, lemon juice.
To soften your skin, add a few cans of beer to your bath water and have a nice long soak in the tub. Yeast and other ingredients in beer are natural skin softeners.
Just remember to rinse well afterward.
Beer is also a great ingredient for a pedicure! Fill a basin with enough warm water to cover your feet and ankles, pour in half a can of beer and stir. Soak your feet for about 15 minutes. You will feel wonderfully relaxed, and the skin on your feet will feel oh so soft!
Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making. Visit her online at http://www.irenehelenzundel.com