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Make croutons: Cut the bread into cubes and sprinkle it with salt, pepper and your choice of spice, such as paprika or chili powder. Cook them lightly in a frying pan with olive oil. Use them to top your salads.
Make a yummy bruschetta: Brush slices of French bread with oil and bake them in a 325 degree oven for about 5 minutes per side. Then rub the bread with the cut side of a fresh garlic clove,and top it with your favorite pesto, soft cheese, or a topping of diced tomatoes/sweet red onion/cilantro.
You can also tear pieces of bread and put it on top of a nice big salad with Italian dressing. The vinegar and oil softens the bread and adds a delightful flavor to an otherwise ordinary salad.
Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making.
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