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Since it is effective against viruses, fungi, and bacteria, the three types of infectious organisms, it is a medicine cabinet in a bottle.
Here are some of the traditional uses of tea tree oil:
For respiratory ailments such as cold, asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis, put a few drops of tea tree oil in your vaporizer. Inhale the steam and you will feel wonderful, blessed relief!
As a first aid remedy, tea tree oil can be used to treat cuts, abrasions and scrapes. The anti-bacterial properties of tea tree oil prevent wounds from becoming infected.
Tea tree oil is also a traditional remedy for athletes foot fungus, blisters, burns, cold sores and acne. Dab a little on a damp cotton ball and treat the affected areas.
At home, I disinfect my toothbrush with it, and add a drop or two to my mouthwash. It is a common ingredient in toothpastes now, because it is wonderful at preventing gum disease.
I also add a few drops to a warm, damp washcloth and clean my face with it. It is refreshing and clarifying, and works as well as any pricey toner you get at a cosmetics counter! My son uses it in soap form to prevent acne breakouts.
One tiny bottle lasts me weeks! I don’t have to buy any expensive facial cleansers, antibiotic creams, cold or sinus remedies, or special mouthwashes.
Pick up a bottle for yourself!
Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making.
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