Everybody has cola in their house, new and bubbly, and even old and flat. Believe it or not, it is not just for drinking!
Here are a few surprising uses for this common soft drink:
For your car:
Use it to debug or deice your windshield. Get rust off your bumper by dipping a crumpled piece of aluminum foil in cola and rubbing on the affected area. It is also great for removing oil stains from concrete. Simply pour the soda on the greasy area, let it sit for a while and then hose it off.
In your yard and garden:
Spray your lawn with it once a month for greener grass. Also use it as an effective bug repellent. Mix a 12 oz. can of cola with 1 cup of ammonia and 1/4 cup of liquid dish soap, and spray it on your lawn or plants.
Around the house as a cleaning product:
Use it to clean your grout. Simply pour it on the tile and scrub it with a toothbrush. Do you have a burnt pan? Pour cola in it and bring it to a boil. The baked on crust will come right off! De-scale your tea kettle with it as well. Let the soda sit in the kettle for a day and then rinse it thoroughly and wipe it dry. You can even use cola to get permanent marker out of carpet! Pour coke oon the stained area and let it sit a few minutes. Scrub it gently with a brush. Follow up with soapy water and blot the area dry. In the laundry room, you can remove the fish smell from clothes by washing your laundry in it.
Is your swimming pool rusty? Add two 2 liter bottles of cola to the water and the rust will be gone!
If you go to the beach and get stung by a jelly fish, pour cola on it right away. It will relieve the pain.
As a hair product:
Do you want perfect curls? Pour it on your long hair and let it soak in a few minutes, then shampoo it as normal. If your dye job came out too dark, you can use diet cola to fade or remove the dye. (Note: You must use diet cola for this to work.) Did you get gum in your hair? Soak it in a bowl of cola for a few minutes and then wipe. The gum will come right out!
Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making.
Visit her online at http://www.irenehelenzundel.com