We've all been there — overwhelmed by life, weary to the bone, and walking around with a cavernous void inside ourselves. We wish we could make all the stuff that is grinding us down just go away, but we have no mental clarity, no physical strength, no spiritual reserves to draw on. How do we climb our way out of the dark pit that we're in? It is easier than you might think.
First, resolve to take on day at a time, one hour at a time, or one moment at time if need be. Do whatever you can, no matter how small, just for that one day. Eventually little tasks completed bring noticeable results, and you begin to see progress and order where there once was chaos and confusion.
Next, learn to relax. Go to a quiet place. Sit with your eyes closed, spine straight, and feet flat on the floor. Breathe slowly and deeply for five minutes. When inhaling, think to yourself, "I am breathing in peace." When exhaling, think, "I am breathing out stress." Deep breathing releases tension, lowers blood pressure, and oxygenates the blood which improves mental clarity and physical energy
While you are relaxed and in a peaceful state, pray if you feel inclined, or quietly recall all you have in your life to be thankful for. Turning your thoughts form the negative to the positive brings into view a larger and more hopeful picture. It helps you to realize you have resources and people you can rely on to help you.
If at all possible, try to look for the silver lining in the cloud that is hovering over your head. Problems are opportunities to learn and grow, and often times we benefit from having struggled and overcome a situation, dilemma, or illness that was vexing to us. Keeping your thoughts positive and your expectancy high helps combat the urge to lapse into a blue funk or a state of apathy.
Find something to laugh about. Watch a hilarious movie, read a joke book, recall humorous memories from your own life. Sing silly songs. Laughter is literally a healing force causing physical changes in the body that boost the immune system, alleviate pain, and combat depression.
Try to connect with one other human being. Do something nice for somebody else. Thinking how to solve someone else's problem temporarily takes your mind off your own. Seeing their relief, or joy, or gratitude will give you a great feeling.
Do some mind and enjoyable exercise. Stretch like a cat? Take a nice stroll in a beautiful place. Ride a bike. Swim a few laps. Don't strain or exhaust yourself. The idea is to release tension from your body and mind, increase the flow of oxygen to your bloodstream, and to improve your ability to get a restful night's sleep.
Last, but not least, spoil yourself. Do one thing each day just for you, and don't feel guilty about it! A long soak in the tub, an hour to curl up with a good book, a few pieces of your favorite chocolate might be just the thing to lift your spirits. Doing enjoyable things often times makes us feel renewed, giving us enough of a boost to face one more day.
It is said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Each one of these suggestions can help you put one foot in front of the other and progress along a road well traveled.
Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making.
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