But are there other uses for this common household staple? Sure!
Here are just a few:
Do you have an itchy bug bite or bee sting? Apply toothpaste to the affected area to reduce swelling and take away that maddening itch!
If blisters or cold sores are the problem, toothpaste is the solution. Dabbing a little on the sore causes it to dry up and heal more quickly.
If you have a pimple that is driving you crazy, put a little toothpaste on it at bedtime and let it dry while you sleep. In the morning wash your face as you would normally do. You will notice the unsightly blemish drying up and shrinking until it is gone.
Want to give yourself a nice manicure that makes your nails stronger and shinier? Clean them with toothpaste and a soft toothbrush!
Are you temporarily out of hair gel? Does your kid have a cowlick that won't stay down? Or are you having trouble keeping those baby barrettes in place? Toothpaste will take care of those annoying problems as well.
To remove crayon stains from your walls, gently rub the area with toothpaste applied to a damp cloth. With just a little effort, the marks will disappear.
To remove the smell of sour milk from a baby bottle, clean it with toothpaste and a bottle brush.
Toothpaste can also remove the smell of fish, garlic and onions from your hands. Simply scrub your hands and fingertips with toothpaste to remove lingering odors.
Irene Helen Zundel is a freelance writer, educator and mother, and an expert in child development, home schooling and creative parenting and home making. Visit her online at http://www.irenehelenzundel.com